Monday, March 31, 2008

Nature Boy

Here's another up for grabs

Friday, March 28, 2008

Today Chris sent me this story...

"I originally left work 30 minutes early so that I could make it to the Avery Ranch Golf Driving Range before it closed. They close early on Wednesdays. As I was speeding west on Toll Road 45, I had the open road all to myself. All of a sudden, I noticed another vehicle pulled over on the side of the road. As I sped by the them, I taped my brakes to quickly determine if they needed any help. They did. But I wanted to get to the range. Then my wife and daughter came to mind. Someday, they might need help. I slammed on my brakes but by this time I was several hundred yards past them. I checked behind me, still no cars coming. I threw my car in reverse and quickly drove back to them.
Turns out they almost had the blown tire off. I asked the woman if she needed any help. Her daughter quietly stood beside her. She said that she had the situation under control. She was obviously cautious about me...unsure if I was a good Samaritan or some crazy ax murderer. I slowly bent down and started pulling the tire off and said "four hands are better than two". She smiled and said thanks. We made small talk as we quickly worked to get her back on the road. By this time, several cars had passed us by. I estimate that I was not the first person to pass her by and this made me sad.
All-in-all, I spent about 10 minutes helping this mother and daughter change their tire. I still made it to the range with plenty of time to spare. No worse for ware. I know that at some point in the future, someone will return the favor to my wife and/or daughter. I just wish that we lived in a place that the first speeding car would stop."

Thanks Chris, now all you've got to do
is choose a piece of art.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

People Are Strange

Polaris sent me this story.
" I was inspired and paid it forward...The picture is literally from this afternoon at Spiderhouse on the porch.It's of myself and Elliot Morneault who is a homeless x-heroin addict and is trying to desperately make some changes in his life. He needed $5 for his next methadone treatment and I gave him $10 for next week too... I also gave him an extra sweatshirt since the nights are still somewhat colder.And, I bought him an Odwalla Superfood drink to get his body some essential vitamins and proteins...

~for Polaris
Thank you

Backdoor Salesman

All of these, original collage pieces
I'm willing to give to you...
For an act of kindness...
Go out, and do something nice...
Donate money or time to a social cause.
Clean up the neighborhood park.
Help someone out...
& Smile!

`send me a story & I'll send you a piece of art.


Love Songs

~for Lindsay

"This morning I saw a dog scared in the street, that soon started running through the Hancock center golf course while I was waiting at the bus stop. After finally retrieving the terrier, and letting him run wild in my apartment while I went to class, I took the little guy to SPCA, and put a few fliers up for the dog.

Avocado Butterfly and Cat Calls

OK, I'll start out with this one.

Monday, March 24, 2008