Wednesday, March 26, 2008

People Are Strange

Polaris sent me this story.
" I was inspired and paid it forward...The picture is literally from this afternoon at Spiderhouse on the porch.It's of myself and Elliot Morneault who is a homeless x-heroin addict and is trying to desperately make some changes in his life. He needed $5 for his next methadone treatment and I gave him $10 for next week too... I also gave him an extra sweatshirt since the nights are still somewhat colder.And, I bought him an Odwalla Superfood drink to get his body some essential vitamins and proteins...

~for Polaris
Thank you


Mike Romigh said...

Dude, Elliot. I have been looking all over for you bro! This is Mike, over in Hyde Park, you know the one who lives with Leon. Dude, hit me up bro or

Miss you bro!!

Mike Romigh said...

Oh, I guess I read the story wrong, I thought it was Elliot writing the story, sorry. Bummer, he is a good friend of mine and I have been worried sick about him, if the guy who sent you this story has any idea how to find him please help me out.