Monday, July 21, 2008

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream!

The other day Sarah sent me this story and great picture. Check it out!
"Hi! My son was in dire need for ice cream. So I took the time to go to the store and get it for him. Does that count as doing something nice for someone in need? haha..just kidding.
But I attached the picture of him eating the ice cream because it's a funny picture."
It's Awesome! Thanks Sarah

"Hair Force"
" Collage Art by PunWit"


Scrapatorium said...

Wonderful! Super cute boy!

sarahelizabeth said...

hi! thanks for posting my story. matt thinks it's awesome that his picture was on your blog. and this little boy also does mail art and has his own blog for it:

and his mommy's blog:

glad you liked the pic!!